Let the Children Come Unto Me
Children are born spiritual but most of the time lack the right guidance and loose their way. Parents have an important responsibility to guide and provide them with opportunities for spiritual growth, for it nourishes the child to become a strong, courageous, and wise individual ready to tackle life’s demands and challenges.
We strongly believe that if children pick up valuable spiritual tools early in their lives they have the opportunity to live a more peaceful and happy life. When children grow in the love of God from an early age, they naturally become more joyful, respectful, insightful, disciplined human beings and are connected to their true selves. The seed of spirituality sown in the young hearts also result in inclusive, open minded, nonjudgmental, responsible, flexible, and tolerant children who will make the world a better place to live in.
Kids Summer Camp - 2016
Our Spiritual Programs have been focused more on the adults. We have grown and we continue to grow spiritually. We do realize that spiritual journey is a life long journey and we are committed to it. Having all our focus on the adults in the past, we recently awakened to the truth that it is time to cultivate spirituality in the young hearts. Hence, this summer, we had a 3 days Camp for our children at Fremont, CA. Twenty children participated in the camp. We focused on the following themes:
Spiritual: Listening to God’s Word, listening to sacred hymns, praying, learning to meditate, knowledge about Bible, Story sessions on Spiritual/Moral/Human values.
Social: Fun times, playing together, team work, games, videos, songs and dance
Skill Learning: Art Work, Baking, Pottery Painting, Journaling, Gardening
Human: Focus on Personal Hygiene and few basic breathing exercises.
" My experience at The Kids Camp was very fun and memorable! I expected that we were just going to pray all day, but I was wrong. We had different sessions; where we learned God likes variety - in people and in plants, and we learned what is on the inside counts. For example, "if there is helium in a balloon it will float, but if there is no helium, the balloon won't float". That means we need God in our life. We even embraced God in different ways, including singing, dancing, and art. But we still had time to enjoy with our friends, we had a great time with everyone. All in all, I would recommend going to The Kids Camp and I will be there next year for sure! "
~ Shania